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Learn the Science behind
A bit of Science and a Little bit of Metaphysics

What Is Pranic Energy?
We all know about the invisible divine energy that surrounds us. The ancient wise yogi’s called this energy as “prana”, the Chinese call it “chi or Qi”, the Westerners call it cosmic energy, Greeks call it etheric energy or universal life-force, healers call is “Rei-ki” energy, physicists call it “zero- point energy. There are so many different names across various cultures, but it all means the same. So, in an Indian perspective, this energy is referred in its Sanskrit name – “prana” or “pranic energy”.
The pranic energy is the essence of life, it is the life-enriching energy. All living matter exists because of the omni- present pranic energy. This energy exists and originates from the cosmos and all living beings absorb this energy to various extents. When we sleep, we get energized as we absorb pranic energy through various chakra points or energy points in our body so we can carry on with our daily activities When we meditate, we absorb pranic energy consciously.

Scientific Discovery Of Pranic Energy
Pranic energy was first discovered scientifically by an Austrian psychiatrist and psychologist Wilhelm Reich during his psychiatric work, and he named this energy as orgone energy. Reich spent his whole life in studying this and making it available for people so we could benefit from it in many application-based techniques.
William Reich experimented with this and built various devices like the Orgone Accumulator Box which accumulated and infused a human with focused orgone energy. The patient who was inside this box was healing faster. Besides these smaller experiments were done with orgone energy devices and some of the effects were increased plant growth, and healing effects on chronic health problems.
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