Pranic Harmonizer
What is a Harmonizer?
A Harmonizer is a unique combination of high-vibratory metal put together with sacred ratios that has the capability to emits its own cosmic light field. A harmonizer can put the subtle energies in perpetual motion, hence creating a positive light energy field.
Its like a etheric oil lamp that always burns to provide light.
A harmonizer can be made of our any high vibratory metals (Copper, Gold, Silver). To make it economical, it is made out of 100% pure copper and then electroplated with Silver and Gold.
Slim Spurling
This simple tech "Tensor RIngs" was invented by Slim Spurling in 1991. The Harmonizer (A combination of Tensor rings at play) works based on a simple principle, everything is light and energy. His inventions are used till date on energising of food and water, cleaning and harmonising the environment, and to achieve a shift in higher consciousness.
If you are interested to know more, here is a link of the patent.

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