Benefits of Pranic Devices
Learn about the numerous benefits of using our Pranic Devices
6/12/20236 min read

The pranic device works as a natural purifier. Since it continuously works to absorb all stagnant energy in your living space, you will be able to feel the difference in the air you breathe. Because it is Life-enriching energy, it will eliminate toxins and purify the air. You will notice a fresh sense of air in your living spaces once you install one of our devices in your living area. Scientifically this process works due to a phenomenon called the Casimir Effect.
Sleep is something we need every day! It's where we repair and recharge ourselves. When we sleep, we go into an unconscious meditative state, and thereby we absorb the pranic energy that helps to re-energize us. Due to various factors, our living areas contain more disturbed and distorted energies, but with a pranic device placed on your bedside, You will sleep much better and feel fresh and energetic when you wake up.
Improves Sleep
The benefits mentioned here depend on the type of Pranic device been used. However, all the general benefits of all and any kind of pranic device is marked with a orange star.

Better Moods
You will start to feel nice, calm, and peaceful when you spend your time around a Pranic Device. Just like how you feel in certain religious places or in parks and gardens. That's because the device is constantly working to purify and transform any stagnant negative energy to a positive life-force energy
We have sufficient evidence about the negative effects of EMF. Using Pranic Devices helps to mitigate the ill effects of EMF broadcasted by routers and cellular radiation from modern smart devices. Even though most families have developed a habit of switching off their routers at night, there are so many routers in your neighborhood broadcasting their frequencies and if you live in an apartment, this practice isn’t really helping you. With a pranic device placed in every room, you will be able to mitigate the effects of EMF radiation.
Mitigates the Effects of EMF

Spiritual Well-being
If you are into meditative and spiritual practices, you will experience a whole new level of experiences. A Pranic device helps to fill its immediate surroundings with spiritual light, so when you practice your meditations, yogic practices, and prayers, you will feel more connected to the divine.
Most of us are victims of Negative forces, negative thoughts, or Negative entities. We meet people sometimes who are like energy vampires and we feel drained, upset, or disturbed right after meeting them. Sometimes, we are attacked by low-vibratory entities/spirits because of various reasons. And at times, we are victims of Negative influences and thoughts With the shield created by our advanced pranic devices, your auric field is not just cleansed but protected with a strong impenetrable shield of positive energy.
Banish Negativity
Recharge/Structure Liquids
Structured water is a special kind of water that has a very organized arrangement of its molecules. It's like the molecules are all lined up and holding hands, forming little groups or clusters. This organized structure is different from regular water where the molecules are all jumbled up randomly, because of contamination and accumulation of memory.
A Pranic device when placed below a container of water / liquid medicines/oils, re-energizes it and brings back the naturally organized structure. When we drink this kind of water or liquids, it can help our cells and organs work better. It's like giving our body a special kind of fuel to be healthy and strong. Structured water is also said to be good at carrying nutrients and energy to where they are needed in our body.
Most of us are victims of Negative forces or Negative entities. Sometimes when we are emotionally vulnerable and spiritually weak, lower vibratory entities take advantage of this situation to attach themselves or engage in a psychic or astral attacks. Most astral attacks happen in a dream state when we are in deep sleep. Our pranic devices, helps to produce a bright positive beam of light that repels negative entities or spirits and hence, they cant work their magic on you!
Banish Nightmares
Enhance Moral Nature
Since a Pranic Energy device constantly helps to harmonize the environment. (Generate positive energy in its immediate surroundings), this energy interacts with other people around you and impacts their mental state positively. It makes them feel good about their existence and improves their mood, thereby indirectly affecting the moral nature of the people around them. If someone was planning to create a dramatic mess or fight for no reason, he/she will unlikely end up doing that because of being impacted positively by a presence of a Pranic Device.
Since Pranic Energy is a life-force energy, meaning that it enriches and supplements Life! Therefore, this energy helps to bring back balance to biological energy systems. It will balance your chakras and help you heal spiritually and emotionally, thereby raising your energy levels and supporting you to heal physically. The presence of a Pranic Device helps to promote overall natural health and well-being. You can definitely tell goodbye to those frequent and recurring Headaches and Migraines of yours! If you are healing or recovering, a pranic device is an excellent add-on.
Please note our pranic devices are not a replacement for medical procedures, medicines, and treatments. It can be used as an add-on.
Improve Overall Health

Stimulates Shumann Resonance
Just like all living beings, Earth also has a heartbeat! And that's what keeps Earth alive and bustling with life-enriching energy. Although Earth's heartbeat is a very low frequency and we can't hear it, it is always there and it is called the Schumann Resonance. This natural rhythm is very important because it helps things work properly on Earth and make us feel relaxed and promotes our well-being.
Due to the EMF pollution caused by smart telecommunication devices, IoT devices, and Wireless Routers in modern cities, we sometimes feel uneasy and always under stress. A Pranic Device helps to restore the disrupted Schumann Resonance and hence makes you feel relaxed and calm.

In Hinduism, Vaastu is the practice of creating a harmonious living space. And when living spaces are not in Harmony, constructed against the natural laws of nature, it results in Vaasu Dosh. Thereby, increasing the accumulation of Negative Pranic Energy and negatively impacting the Physical, Emotional and Spiritual balance of those living in such a space.
A Pranic Energy device helps to create a channel of bringing in Positive Earth Energies into the living space and transforming the Stagante Negative Energies and thereby it is able to remove a Vaastu Dosha and bring Harmony back to the living space.
Rectifies Vaastu Dosha
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