Aura and Auric Protection

Learn more about Aura and How to protect your Aura.

6/12/20233 min read

What is an Aura?

Imagine you have a superpower that lets you see colorful light around people, kind of like a glowing halo. That glowing light is called an aura.

Now, this aura isn't just any ordinary light. It's actually made up of special energy that comes from our bodies and our emotions. It's like a magical rainbow that surrounds us. The colors of the aura can change depending on how we feel and what we're thinking.

In simple words, an aura is a vibrant living energy that flows around living beings. All living things have auras around them! The color, intensity, and strength depend on thoughts, emotions, and well-being. It is like a magical light that surrounds us all the time.


How does it effect us?

Have you ever felt very good, calm, and at peace when you met someone?

Have you instantly felt bad vibes and a sort of discomfort when you met someone?

Whenever we go out, to meet friends, attend parties and events, or just a casual meetup, we interact with other people’s energy and that is by coming closer to their auric field. Even before we greet them, our Auras make the first contact. That's how we are able to intuitively feel other person's feelings and emotions.

A graphic illustration of how a person with Negative Intentions influences the aura of those he meets.

Can we see Auras?

We can't see auras with our regular eyes because auras are made up of very subtle energy that is beyond the capabilities of what our eyes can perceive naturally. It's just like why you cannot see X-rays or Infrared light.

However, it is possible to gain the ability to see auras. Certain third-eye meditations and concentration exercises are practiced to gain the ability to see auras naturally. These people are often called "aura readers" or "psychics." They have learned to access the heightened sense or have a special gift that allows them to perceive and interpret the energy around a person.

Enhance your Aura.

In today's fast-paced world, we are constantly bombarded with various energies and emotions from the people and environments around us. These external influences can affect our own aura, in both positive and negative ways. To maintain a balanced and vibrant aura, people have been depending on crystals and gemstones for centuries. A pranic device is a modern metaphysical tool made of crystals, gemstones, metals, enchanted herbs, and energy coils that helps to transform stagnant energies and amplify the positive energies within and around us, thereby enriching and uplifting our aura.


Sunlight is the best source for healing your aura. Early morning and Evenings are the best time to take a dip in the orange hues of sunlight.

Protect your Aura

The aura can be vulnerable to negative energies, emotions, and psychic attacks from others. A pranic devices offers protection by creating a shield or barrier against these unwanted influences.

Wearing or carrying protective amulets or talismans (Kavacha), can act as a shield for your aura, blocking harmful energies.

In a world filled with constant energetic influences, maintaining a balanced and vibrant aura is essential for overall well-being. Our Pranic Devices offer valuable tools to enhance, enrich, and protect your aura from the negative emotions and energies of others. These mystical tools can help you cultivate a healthier, more harmonious aura, leading to a more fulfilling and spiritually enriched life.